Super Swash

Fully automatic high performance zero drain system. Ideal for cleaning middle to high volume of electronic assemblies. Suitable for cleaning high volume of stencils

Cleaning with SuperSwash:
  • Ultimate cleaning performance
  • Easy operation
  • Zero drain concept
  • Linear direct spray for equal washing
  • Hot air knife direct dry
  • Illuminated glass door chamber for visual process control
  • Quick changover to Twingo - double capacity configuration
  • Wide range of standard and customized PCBA fixtures
Filtration options
Wash loop is always closed and fully filtrated process that requires regular dosing and periodic drainage when saturated. Rinse loops in SuperSWASH are flexible by design and meet all process and environmental requirements.
  • integred closed filtration
  • integred semi-open filtration
  • external closed filtration
  • Clamping for all types of stencils
  • Simple detailed programming
  • Complete datalogging and bar code traceability
  • Up to 3 fully separated liquid loops
  • Low consumption of chemicals and water
  • Outstanding options of water utilization
  • Adaptive rinse water quality control
  • Automatic chemical concentration control
  • Defluxing, removing activators and resin residues
  • Cleaning contamination from handling and board manufacturing
  • Cleaning highly populated electronic assemblies with low standoff components such as BGA, CSP, LGA, MELF etc.
  • Cleaning of power electronics
  • Cleaning electronic assemblies requiring extra short process time
  • Cleaning second side misprints on complex assemblies
  • Cleaning before conformal coating
  • Cleaning before wire bonding
Michal Šaffer Sales Manager
+420 724 026 675

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