ISM UltraFlex 3600
Maximum capacity 3624. Height of the reels freely configurable up to 88mm.
Exclusive advantage: no need to set up in advance the positions. With ISM Ultraflex 3600 you don’t need to pre-set the height of the inner positions to stock the components.
Maximum flexibility: all heights combinations
Heights configuration practically unlimited. Every tray has a range from a minimum height of 8mm to a maximal height of 88mm. The machine is able to dynamically manage the subdivision of the interior spaces just as occurs with a hard disk.
New ESD 7" tray: multiuse and with double storage capacity
Not only storage of JEDEC trays, but also of any other material and component that suits to its measures.
It doubles the storage capacity, because it’s able to handle the double reel, for a total of 3.624 positions as 7" reels with 8mm height regards. If you don’t want to manage the selection of the reel output, the machine can be used with a single reel per tray.
Patented Fast Exit: loads and unloads up to 54 reels simultaneously
Fast Exit: ultra-fast exit system and extraction of the reels in a record time. It loads and unloads up to 54 reels simultaneously (multi-reel management).
Fast Exit: to extract the reel also during the loading / unloading phase
The multiple exit Fast Exit allows great flexibility of management. For example, when, in the load/unload stage, a reel is urgently needed and there is no time to wait for the operation to be finished.
The warehouse can interrupt the load/unload operation, provide with priority the component urgently needed, and then continue again with the load/unload.
Humidity control module Plug and Play.
Like all ISM models, also ISM UltraFlex 3600 can be equipped with the module for humidity control. The warehouse environment is always under control. Moreover, the humidity level is constantly below 5%
Accurate calculation of the "Floor Life"
Thanks to the ISM software, the expiration of each component is calculated and plotted with absolute precision. The software prevents to use components whose exposure period to humidity values higher than 5% has expired. In this way, the expired components can be quickly extracted from the warehouse and brought to the oven for the baking.